
Family Pictures - Discounted Photo Shoot Day

 Thank you to the four families who participated in my Discounted Photo shoots on July 24th.  It sure was a scorcher...maybe one of the hottest days this summer...but everyone was in good spirits and I think we had some good results.  I decided to offer a day of discounted photo shoots specifically to raise money for my upcoming Baby Posing workshop, taking place September 18-19 in Nebraska.  As many of you know, I have a passion for photographing newborns and expecting mothers, so I'm very excited to get this opportunity to learn and further my skills.  Check out the website if you're interested in what I'll be learning!  http://www.kelleyryden.com/babyblog/

The Wenger Family
I started out my day in the morning with the Wenger Family.  Austin and Maddie were so much fun to work with...and it didn't take us long to work up a sweat!  Thankfully we started early.  Although the kittens that were following us around the farm gave me a run for my money, I had a great time.  It was nice to finally meet you and your family Jess, and I look forward to working with you in the future.

The Hess Family
Next up, at one of the hottest times in the afternoon, was the Hess family.  I have a special place in my heart for them and often say that Charlotte was like a second Mom to me in the years shortly after moving to the Mount Joy area.  The Hess family lived across the street and I spent many days/nights babysitting Rachel, playing on the farm, and watching the hot air balloons take off from the property.  It's always great to see them.  Daniel and Rachel - getting pictures taken wasn't so bad, right? Thanks for being a good sport Daniel (though I'm not sure you had a choice!)...and Rachel - watch out for those spiders!


The Shuman Family
My third photo shoot of the day was the Shuman Family.  I first met Alisha when her sister had a lia sophia party for me.  Alisha decided to try the business out and I am now so blessed to call her one of my good friends.  Castor, Hannah, and Aiden made me pull out all the tricks in the book, but they were great.  I really had a blast.  Although it did take a little bit of extra editing to cover up all of the "glistening" faces, it was a great photo shoot!  Alisha and Josh - you are amazing parents and it shows through your children.  You are truly blessed!


The Weaver Family
The last photo shoot of the day was the Weaver Family.  I first met Jess playing high school field hockey and she became one of my good friends.  After high school we lost contact for a little while, but we have reconnected over the past couple of years, living less than a mile from each other!  It's been so wonderful getting to know your family.  Looking forward to many more fun memories as the kids get older!

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